Posted in P3s

On October 11, Nick Nicholson, Deputy Director and Chief Engineer of the District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT) Infrastructure Project Management Administration, participated in a panel session at the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) Annual Public-Private Partnerships in Transportation Conference in Washington, D.C.  Mr. Nicholson told conference attendees that DDOT is actively looking at public-private partnerships to deliver several projects in the District of Columbia.  Although the District does not have dedicated P3 ...

Posted in P3s

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently issued guidance for implementing various aspects of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), including:  Infrastructure; Environment, Planning and Realty; Safety; Operations; and Innovative Program Delivery.  The guidance became effective October 1, 2012.

The interim guidance on Innovative Program Delivery includes provisions for implementing the new public-private partnership (P3) assessment requirement for Major Project Finance Plans under MAP-21.  The new P3 assessment requirement is, in our ...

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Tags: FHWA, MAP-21, PPPs

The Texas Transportation Commission selected the apparent best value proposer for the design, construction and long-term capital maintenance of the Grand Parkway project, a 37-mile, greenfield toll road in Houston. The high-priority project awarded on Thursday consists of Segments F-1, F-2 and G of the Grand Parkway, part of a proposed 184-mile highway, encircling the Houston area. A few of the other, smaller segments of the Grand Parkway are being developed using traditional construction contracts. Segments D and E are currently under construction and Segment I-2 is already ...

Posted in Legislation

On September 24 the Federal Highway Administration issued policy guidance on various aspects of MAP-21, including a memorandum to its Division Administrators on the tolling provisions in MAP-21 and questions and answers on federal tolling laws.

The tolling guidance addresses (1) the complete replacement of the prior statutory language of 23 U.S.C. 129(a), (2) the application of the existing HOV/HOT lane provisions in 23 U.SC 166, and (3) the status of the four existing toll pilot programs.  It is a must-read for anyone concerned with federal tolling law and policy.

Sections 129 and ...

Posted in Financing

Last night the Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority, responsible for development of the $750 million Knik Arm Crossing project in the Anchorage, Alaska region, filed a letter of interest with the USDOT for TIFIA credit assistance.  It is one of the first, if not the first, letters of interest filed under the USDOT’s July 27 Notice of Funding Availability implementing the MAP-21 amendments to TIFIA.

KABATA filed a letter of interest in November 2011 for a $308 million TIFIA loan.  With the changes in MAP-21 authorizing TIFIA credit assistance up to 49% of eligible project costs and ...

Posted in Bridges
On July 31, 2012, the Indiana Finance Authority ("IFA") issued its Request for Proposals to its previously-shortlisted four teams for the East End Crossing, part of the Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project located in Southern Indiana and the greater Louisville, Kentucky metropolitan area.
Posted in Financing
On July 27 U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced the availability of over $16 billion in TIFIA credit assistance for critical infrastructure projects across the country as a result of the recently enacted MAP-21.
Posted in Design-Build
The Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners approved a $649.5 million dollar contract for the design and construction of a replacement for the Port of Long Beach's obsolete and deteriorating Gerald Desmond Bridge.
Posted in Legislation

The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) contains meaningful reforms that collectively represent a significant improvement in federal surface transportation law.  For the most part, federal law directly on the subject of public-private partnerships saw little change of significance.  Other federal laws, though not directly addressing PPPs, also affect the viability as a project financing mechanism.  Changes to the TIFIA program and to federal tolling law that will markedly improve project finance via public-private partnerships were addressed in our ...

MAP-21 contains meaningful reforms that collectively represent a significant improvement in federal surface transportation law. Join our panel, including key house staff members critical to MAP-21, for a 90-minute discussion on selected aspects of the Act and listen as they address the effects it will have on the transportation industry.

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