Posted in Design-Build

On July 31, 2014, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) soliciting qualifications from teams interested in entering into a design-build contract and a comprehensive maintenance agreement for the Grand Parkway Segments H, I-1 and I-2 Project.  Following a two-month process, which included questions and answers from interested industry participants and an industry workshop, TxDOT received Qualification Statements on September 30, 2014. Over the next month, the Qualification Statements were evaluated by TxDOT.  On October ...

The Regents of the University of California (the Regents), on behalf of the University of California, Merced (UC Merced), announced on October 30, 2014 that it received Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from six teams in response to the reissued Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the UC Merced 2020 P3 Project (the Project).

The reissued RFQ was released on September 25, 2014. The six teams that submitted SOQs in response to the reissued RFQ were substantially the same six teams that responded to the initial RFQ released in April 2014.

The respondents and their equity members are ...

Posted in Design-Build

On October 27, 2014, the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) soliciting statements of qualifications (SOQs) from qualified firms interested in submitting proposals for the design and construction of the $900 million I-405 Improvement Project (the Project) through a design-build contract. OCTA is seeking a private firm that is experienced in managing, designing and constructing general use roadways.

The Project will consist of designing and constructing an improvement that generally adds one general-purpose lane in each ...

A Federal Court has ordered the Department of Transportation (DOT) to respond to a lawsuit filed by three environmental organizations—Earthjustice, Sierra Club and ForestEthics—in which the parties asked the court to order DOT to respond to the organizations’ request for an emergency order banning the use of DOT-111 tanks cars for the shipment of crude oil by rail.

DOT has 60 days to provide the Court with a response to Sierra Club’s lawsuit, which alleges that DOT is in violation of the law for failing to respond to its Unsafe Tank Car Petition.  The petition, filed with DOT on ...

California Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., has signed California Senate Bill (SB) 785. As my colleague Nancy Smith has observed, enactment of SB 785 is a major step forward for the State of California, because now many more state and local agencies can use design-build.

One of the immediate benefits of this change is that the much-anticipated Caltrain electrification project will be able to proceed as a design-build procurement. The authority of the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (JPB) to issue design-build contracts was slated to expire at the end of this year, but SB 785 ...

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Posted in Job Opening

Nossaman is assisting friends at the University of California, Riverside with publicizing the following two job opportunities.

The first position is a newly-refined position as Director of Capital Asset Management, reporting to a new Assistant Vice Chancellor for Capital Asset Strategies.  Responsibilities of the Capital Asset Management (CAM) unit will include real estate projects (on campus and off campus), leases, licensing, space management, GIS services, faculty housing, public-private partnerships and related matters.

The second position is the new Assistant Vice ...

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With the enactment of Senate Bill 785, the State of California has taken a major step forward in authorizing state and local agencies to use design-build.  Although many California agencies have the ability to use design-build without the need for specific enabling legislation, other agencies require specific design-build legislation in order to be able to use design-build effectively, either because they are precluded by law from using a best value selection process for design-build or do not have the ability to bundle design and construction into a single contract.

The new ...

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Posted in P3s

The inaugural P3s for Public Buildings Summit will be held on November 17-18, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency in Miami, FL. The summit will be hosted by the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships and the Performance Based Building Coalition.

The summit will explore ways that P3s can be developed and implemented to replace the nation’s deteriorating public buildings, including schools, hospitals, courthouses, universities, police stations and prisons.

  • Topics of discussion will include:
  • Financing of projects;
  • Federal policy challenges and solutions;
  • Case studies of ...
Posted in P3s, Policy

On September 17, the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee’s Panel on Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) released its report and recommendations.  The group, empaneled in February of this year, was tasked with examining issues regarding public-private partnerships across all aspects of the Committee’s jurisdiction.  The panel held two hearings and seven roundtable discussions in addition to other meetings and briefings. The report recognizes that the nation’s infrastructure needs are extraordinary and P3s in certain situations can provide innovative ...

The FHWA published its final Core Toll Concessions P3 Model Contract Guide (Guide) on September 10, 2014 as part of its mandate under MAP-21 to develop standard public-private partnership transaction model contracts for the most popular types of public-private partnerships.  The Guide serves as an educational tool to assist states, public transportation agencies, and other public officials in developing their own public-private partnership agreements. 

The FHWA determined an educational approach is preferred to prescriptive requirements based on feedback received during a ...

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