This is the first of two posts about the recent Infrastructure Ontario 2015 Track Record Report.
As the public-private partnership (P3) market in the United States continues to grow, U.S. agencies that are considering the use of P3s to deliver their infrastructure projects have often expressed a desire for more research related to this innovative delivery model. Last week, Infrastructure Ontario, the agency tasked with delivering the Province of Ontario’s largest and most complex infrastructure projects, released its 2015 Track Record Report.
For the past three years ...
On September 28, 2015, the Texas Department of Transportation and Flatiron/Dragados, LLC (Developer) entered into a comprehensive development agreement (Agreement) for the Harbor Bridge Replacement Project in Corpus Christi (the Project). The new Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge will allow larger ships to deliver their cargo to the Port of Corpus Christi, serving as an economic catalyst for the region and the State of Texas. The current bridge was built in the late 1950s. Plans for a replacement bridge to improve safety have been in the works for more than a decade. The proposed $800 ...
An Amtrak Blue Ribbon Panel formed in 2014 that included Nossaman partner Linda Morgan has released a report recommending how to fix the congestion plaguing Chicago’s rail network. As the hub of the U.S. rail network, the gridlock in Chicago has ripple effects throughout the nation.
As part of its year-long investigation of the causes and potential solutions to Chicago’s gridlock, the panel met with nearly 100 stakeholders and rail experts. The panel’s report resulting from these efforts includes the following recommendations:
- Ensure real-time coordination among ...
Expected to dramatically improve mobility in one of the more highly congested regions in Southern California, the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority (Authority) completed the Foothill Gold Line from Pasadena to Azusa on September 23, 2015. After achieving this milestone, the Authority turned the project over to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) to complete testing and training and then operate the project. Metro expects to announce a start date for passenger service within 30 days of turnover, and anticipates ...
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grants fund billions of transit-related projects throughout the United States. In an effort to improve the project delivery process for those projects, the FTA on September 3, 2015, announced the establishment of the Expedited Public Transportation Improvement Initiative (XPEDITE) in the Federal Register. The FTA is soliciting participation in an online dialogue regarding XPEDITE, the goals of which are to facilitate the transit industry's implementation of the following:
- Proven technologies to improve service delivery and ...
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) is pursuing new public-private partnership (P3) legislation, Assembly bill ABX 1-12 (Bill 12). Bill 12, introduced and read for the first time on August 26, 2015 at the California extraordinary session on transportation, would give LA Metro greater flexibility and autonomy to procure and finance transportation infrastructure in the LA Metro region.
LA Metro currently has authority under Section 143 of the Streets & Highway Code (Section 143) to deliver transportation projects using a P3 model with the use of ...
The first freeway lighting system public-private-partnership (P3) in the U.S. closed on August 24, 2015, with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and Freeway Lighting Partners, LLC, (FLP) reaching simultaneous commercial and financial close. The FLP team consists of Star America Infrastructure and Aldridge Electric, Inc. as equity owners with Aldridge Electric, Inc. also acting as the design-build contractor, Parsons Brinkerhoff, Inc. as the designer, and Cofely Services, Inc. acting as operations and maintenance provider. The innovative street lighting ...
Three months after the May 15, 2015 issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), the SH 249 Extension Project is another step closer to development. The RFQ solicited qualifications from teams interested in entering into a design-build contract and a comprehensive maintenance agreement for the Project. Following a two-month process, which included questions and answers from interested industry participants and an industry workshop, TxDOT received Qualification Statements from seven teams on July 17, 2015. Over the next month, the Qualification Statements were evaluated ...
At the dedication celebration for the Gold Line’s Arcadia Station last weekend, Phil Washington, the CEO of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, said he expects passenger service on the Gold Line to begin next spring. The exact date for start of service will be announced after the system is turned over to Metro for testing. Arcadia Mayor Gary Kovacic, who emceed the event, made a point of telling Mr. Washington (who recently moved to Los Angeles from Denver) that spring begins much earlier in Arcadia than in Denver, perhaps as early as December or January.
The ...
Hopes that the Congress would pass S. 1647, the Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy Act (DRIVE Act), a six-year, $478 billion transportation funding reauthorization bill before the August recess have, like so many times before, come to naught. Instead we get a three month extension of the current transportation funding and authorization law, MAP-21, that will provide $8 billion to allow current project funding and implementation to continue.
The three-month extension, H.R. 3236, the Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement ...
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