On Wednesday, March 30, 2016, Florida’s Governor Rick Scott signed two bills that further advance the state’s existing public-private partnership (P3) framework and provide additional guidance for implementing P3s. The two new laws will go into effect on July 1, 2016.
SB 124 amends the 2013 law that authorizes counties, municipalities, school boards, and other political subdivisions to use P3s for a wide range of facilities, including education facilities, transportation facilities, water/wastewater facilities, roads, highways and bridges, healthcare facilities ...
Drivers of the I-405 in Orange County California are one step closer to an improved facility. Today the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) authorized release of a final request for proposals to design and construct the I-405 Improvement Project, the largest highway project in Southern California. The project includes upgrading 16 miles of the I-405 between SR-73 in Costa Mesa and I-605 near the Los Angeles County line, adding a general purpose lane in each direction. A new lane will also be added next to the current HOV lane between SR-73 and SR-22, and both lanes, in each ...
The Illinois Senate is currently reviewing a bill that would greatly expand the authority of public agencies in Illinois to enter into public-private partnership (P3) agreements. To date, such authority has been limited to the Illinois DOT, the State Toll Highway Authority and, in limited circumstances, local governments.
Democratic Senator Heather Steans introduced the bill on February 19th. Shortly thereafter, in a show a bi-partisan support, Republican Senator Karen McConnaughay became a chief co-sponsor of the bill.
The bill, known as the Public-Private Partnerships ...
The wait is nearly over: for those living on the Westside of Los Angeles, passenger rail transit will be available in just a few short months. Officials announced last month that the final extension of the Expo Line will open on May 20, extending service from Culver City to just a few blocks from the Santa Monica pier.
This will be the first passenger rail transit service to the far Westside since Pacific Electric streetcars stopped running to Santa Monica in 1953. The project completes the 15-mile Expo Line between downtown Los Angeles and Santa Monica. Train trips between downtown Santa ...
New Mexico will now allow certain highway and projects funded in whole or in part by federal funds to use the design-build delivery method. On the last day (March 9, 2016) to sign bills from the most recent legislative session, Governor Susana Martinez signed HB 206 , which permits the Department of Transportation to use the design-build delivery method for road and highway projects above $50 million. Previously, road and highway projects were specifically prohibited from using design-build delivery unless part of a very limited number of demonstration projects. Opening road and ...
On March 2, Governor Larry Hogan and Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Secretary Pete Rahn greenlighted procurement of the Purple Line by MDOT and the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA). The contract has been posted and is scheduled for review by the Maryland Board of Public Works in early April.
Part of the region’s ambitious transit strategic plan, the Purple Line is a 16.2 mile, 21 station light rail line that provides additional mobility to the region. MTA estimates total daily ridership will be 69,000 per day by 2030 (74,000 by 2040). The new line will interface ...
On Wednesday, February 24, 2016, Florida’s Governor Rick Scott signed two bills which exempt trade secret financial information from the state’s Sunshine Laws. The change is significant in a state known for expansive open records and meetings laws, and should provide comfort to private sector participants pursuing P3 projects and otherwise doing business in Florida. Both acts take effect on October 1, 2016.
SBs 180 and 182
SB 180 amends Section 812.081 of the Florida Statutes by expanding the definition of trade secret to include financial information ...
State and local governments can now obtain railroad bridge inspection reports by making requests on the website of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). This new tool will help state and local governments gain better information regarding this important aspect of railroad safety in their communities.
Access to the public version of bridge inspection reports is required by section 11405 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act). Under the FAST Act, the following information about a bridge will be included in the report:
- The date of the last inspection;
At the end of 2015, two modal administrations of the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) have encountered changes to their Buy America programs. Both the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have had changes imposed upon their Buy America procedures – the FTA by Congress through provisions in the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (or, FAST Act) and the FHWA through a recent opinion in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing ...
Design liability and right-of-way risk allocation are topics addressed in a legal research digest recently published by the Transportation Research Board’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). The report, which can be downloaded here, discusses statutes, case law and contract language relevant to design liability, addresses how the right of way acquisition process interrelates with design-build projects, and analyzes how design-build contracts allocate the related risks. The report was authored by Michael Loulakis (Capital Project Strategies ...
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