Arizona has passed comprehensive P3 legislation on the heels of the passage of similar legislation in California. Last month, Governor Jan Brewer signed House Bill 2396 which both updates Arizona’s existing toll road development and operations laws and gives the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) broad authority to develop and operate a range of transportation projects through a variety of delivery methods.
Under House Bill 2396 ADOT is authorized to use virtually any innovative delivery method, including P3s. Facilities eligible in the bill include: new or upgraded highways, rail, bus rapid transit, ferries, and intermodal systems. ADOT may also grant P3 authority to other governmental agencies for specific projects. The new law provides for both solicited and unsolicited procurements of P3 projects and authorizes private parties to collect user fees or tolls. Check out Toll Road News’ initial analysis of potential P3 projects in Arizona.
Arizona’s P3 law, generally considered very P3-friendly, includes several restrictions. Toll increases allowed under a P3 agreement must either be based on a formula or subject to contract provisions regulating the private partner’s return on investment. Additionally, concession or other P3 agreement terms are limited to 50 years, subject to extensions. Finally, a novel provision in the law allows drivers paying tolls to apply for a refund or credit of motor fuel taxes paid by that driver while operating a vehicle on the tolled facility, stay tuned to see how ADOT works out the details for implementing such a credit or refund.
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